The Price to Pay for Being Famous

Those pictures and Qiao Qing's Weibo were pushed to the trending page very quickly. The internet went wild. 

At once, Feng Ci's identity as Qiao Qing was exposed and Qiao Qing was now officially a celebrity. 

Of course, being famous has a price.

Like right now - the moment the bell rang to indicate the end of class, Qiao Qing was circled. 

"Master Feng, can you sign my notebook!"

"Master Feng, let's take a selfie together!"

"Master Feng, when are you publishing a new book?!"

"Master Feng…"

Qiao Qing watched as more and more hands held onto pens and paper and invaded her space. Then, more and more people piled up before her. She started to regret her impulsive decision. 

Just then, she got a message from editor Sun Jing. 

"Baby Qingqing, are you now feeling the enthusiasm from your fans? That's how your fans have normally treated me! Your fans crowded me so much I got skinny!"

Qiao Qing, "..."