How Come I Feel like Qingqing is a Lot More Capable than You Two

That's right. A while ago, Lou Yufei was crowned the title of being the national heroine. 

Because this competition involved this nation's pride, everyone placed their hope onto her.

In the blink of an eye, it was the 13th of the next month. 

Before that day, all the equipment required for surgery had been gathered. 

On that day, Qi Yusen and Jun Yexuan both took a day off. Inside the surgery room, stood a crowd of people.

Qi Yuyang watches over Qiao Qing, who was preparing to get to work, "Sister, are you going to perform the surgery alone?"

Qiao Qing shook her head, "I need some people to help me."

Qi Yuyang scratched his head and looked around, "Who? My brother and I?"

Jun Yexuan rolled his eyes, "Are you dumb? How can people not trained help out with a surgery of this size?"

Unexpectedly, Qi Yuyang didn't shout back, "Then, who are the helpers?"

Just then, Qiao Qing's phone flashed.