The Sons of the Qi Family Were Pitiful

Qi Yusen agreed, "That's right. After the competition is over, the company is going to start training a brand new set of racers. If she dares to offend Qingqing again, I won't be kind."

Mu Jinghang said, "You guys shouldn't be so pessimistic. Comprehensively, Lou Yufei isn't as capable as Fei Lai. She may not even place first. Plus, what if the God of Racing suddenly shows up and saves the day? After all, he did that last time."

Everyone calmed down when they heard this. However, their suspending hearts didn't drop.

After all, nobody was going to place all their hope on someone they're unsure about.

As Qiao Qing and Hao Chengjian's medical team finished prepping, a medical staff stepped out and announced, "Please, family, don't be too loud. The surgery is about to start."

Everyone quickly began to focus their energy on Qi Yunyan's surgery.

The surgery started at 10:00 am. 

Every single person guarded the door outside. Nobody left.