I Now Very Genuinely Believe You are Not Good Enough for Qiao Qing

Jun Yexuan stared at Qi Yusen and said, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Qi Yusen ignored him. He was about to say something to Qiao Qing when a young man started running over from the entrance. 

Luo Chen stood right before Qiao Qing and stared at her excitedly. Huffing and puffing, he interrogated, "Qingqing, are you really the God of Racing? Because of Lou Yufei, I stopped myself from coming here to watch the competition. However, when I saw your hashtag trending, I came right over!"

Qi Yusen and them all had a change of expression.

Jun Yexuan ordered Mu Jinghang, "Hurry and delete all of Qingqing's photos from the internet!"

Mu Jinghang only snapped out of shock after he heard what Jun Yexuan had to say. Without blinking an eye, he continued to stare at Qiao Qing as he dialed his phone. 

The other racers didn't know what was going on. Only Fei Lai rolled his eyes and smiled meaningfully.