Why did You Choose Me?

By the time these people got home, Qiao Qing went to Qi Yunyan's room right away. 

The others didn't have the time to be angry and followed her. 

Qi Yunyan had awakened by then. When he saw Qiao Qing, his eyes brightened. 

When he saw the racing gear she wore, his expression froze, "Qingqing, this is…?"

Qi Yuyang quickly turned himself into Wikipedia, "brother, you don't even know what happened! Our sister is the God of Racing! Today, she went as fast as 984km/hr to win the competition! You should've seen how ugly Lou Yufei's face looked! I am so happy today!"

Qi Yuyang was stunned at the news. There was also shock in his eyes. 

After a while, he squinted his damp eyes and said to Jun Yexuan, "I suddenly feel like you aren't good enough for Qingqing."

Jun Yexuan, "..."