Just How Many Identities Do You Have? Just Dish at Once

Jun Yexuan glared at him, "If you're jealous, then go find your own girlfriend. You following me around all day resulted in Qingqing misunderstanding our relationship."

Mu Jinghang, "..."

The heat on Qiao Qing's face only dissipated after she got to school.

She didn't get to take many steps on campus when a bunch of students approached her with flowers. There were boys and girls.

"The God of Racing is here!"

"The God of Racing is here!"

"AHHHH! God of Racing!"

A group of students shoved flowers into Qiao Qing's arms. Before long, Qiao Qing was surrounded by a group of racing fans. 

Lou Yufei arrived at school and saw her fans from before surround Qiao Qing. Hatred and jealousy started to rise in her heart.