Those Three Bastards sure knew Exactly What to do to Piss Off the Entire Family!

Qi Yeli hugged Qiao Qing for a long time. As much as he tried to calm himself down, he also sorted out his thoughts. On the inside, he cussed out Qi Yusen and the others.

When he let Qiao Qing go, he grabbed her hand, "Let's go. Come home with your third brother to the Qi family. Grandma and grandpa will be happy to see you!"

Qiao Qing didn't move while Mo Ran widened his eyes, "Third brother? Wait, third young master Qi, aren't we here to recruit her to the police force?"

How did it turn into a family reunion?

Qi Yeli heard this and then hugged Qiao Qing tightly. With a disgusted look, he stared at Mo Ran, as if he was a cult leader who tried to hurt his sister.

"Why would you hire a girl into the police force?! Not only is the job hard, but it's also dangerous! If national security requires girls then what good are the men?!"

Mo Ran, "…"

That wasn't what that guy said before…