Did He Already Forget all the Glorious Things this Girl had Done?!

Who was the one who just claimed that only real men smoked?

Ha… real man...

Qi Yeli rolled his eyes, "What are you staring at? Turn away from us! Don't get any ideas about my sister!"

Mo Ran, "..."

Mo Ran wasn't the one who originally wanted to recruit this girl. He simply retold the story of what happened at the Jun manor. It was Qi Yeli who said they should poach the girl for their own use!

Qi Yeli no longer cared how much he slapped himself in the face. He said to Qiao Qing, "Let me call our grandma. Then, you can be officially admitted into the family."

Right after he spoke, Qi Yusen called him.

Qi Yeli snickered and then picked up.

Qi Yusen's voice was a tad nervous, "Don't tell anyone in the family yet. Let's chat in person."

Qi Yusen hung up right away, which made Qi Yeli laugh, "Sure, we can chat in person. However, did he really think I'd team up with him?!"