He Better not Give her any Chance to Escape!!

Qi Yeli said, "Qingqing, I know you're worried about me, but we don't need you here. Di Rong is far too dangerous. It's not good enough that you know ancient martial arts. With the national hero here, I'm confident that I can capture the criminal. You can just stay home and read. Be a good girl."

Qiao Qing, "..."

Qi Yusen patted her head, "I apologize for my tone. But the outside world is far too dangerous. It is not something you can handle. Stay put and do your research. Let your brothers deal with all the security issues. After that, you can go out. Good girl."

Qiao Qing, "..."

She nodded then said, "I'll go read then."

When she got to the study room, she tapped on the desk, "Lang Yin!"

A dark shadow appeared, "Miss."

Qiao Qing ordered, "Use the entire force from the City of Brisk to guard the City Hospital. Don't let even a fly in!"

Lang Yin, "Yes."