Forcing a Donkey to Dance

Qi Yeli's voice was low when he spoke, "We should."

Mo Ran said, "Yes, sir."

"Wait," Mo Ran then asked, "The leader of the organization is here, how come Yan Feng isn't here?"

Qi Yeli responded, "He went to country L to capture Zou Shuo."


Dai Yixin heard the alarm outside but she had no idea what was going on.

Just then, someone knocked.

When she opened the door, she saw Qi Yeli and Mo Ran. 

Qi Yeli stared at Dai Yixin, "National hero, Di Rong from the biochemistry lab has escaped. It's time to reveal yourself. You're the entire nation's hope right now!"

Dai Yixin, "..."

If she remembered correctly, Di Rong was the head of the biochemistry lab!

She couldn't even capture a normal human being, let alone the head of an evil organization?

The thought of that made Dai Yixin's feet go limp and she felt dizzy.