That's Qingqing's Company!

At once, she grabbed onto the bottom of Di Rong's trousers, "There is someone from the club who has a higher IQ than me. Her name is Qiao Qing. she has the highest IQ out of everyone there - the standard test can't even evaluate her. She is also the CEO of Sky Entertainment at such a young age."

"If you want to experiment on someone, she's a better candidate than me! She's here in the city. If you let me go, I will help you find her!"

If this was any other day, she would refuse to admit Qiao Qing's achievements. But right now, she was more than happy to.

"Qiao Qing." Di Rong mumbled that name and a blood-thirsty gaze flashed across his eyes. 

"You think if I could get her, I would use you? The only time I've ever stumbled was because of her. How could I not know of her existence? You're being far too naive. I would never let her escape. But I will not let you go either."