She Must've Gone to Sky Entertainment

On the edge of shock and blanking out, Jun Yexuan felt a pinch of pain on his neck. Then, his vision went dark and his body collapsed. 

Qiao Qing caught Jun Yexuan's collapsing body and helped him sit down on a chair.

Then, she flipped out the window.

Lang Yin, who hid in the dark, saw the passed out Jun Yexuan. It took some time for him to snap back to reality.

His miss learned how to use her charm and physical beauty for her benefit? Did she learn how to lie?

What the!

Learning from her previous experience, Qiao Qing avoided all the corners with surveillance and dashed out the gate.

It didn't take long for someone to knock on her door.

Qi Yusen knocked a few times but got no response. He frowned as he started to get a bad feeling.

Just then, Qi Yuyang, who just woke up from his nap, walked by. When he saw Qi Yusen's expression, he froze, "Bro, what's wrong?"