You think Jing Li Xuan is Worried about Your Pursuit?

Though everyone started to gossip, Qiao Qing remained as calm as ever. It was as if she wasn't the one who just dropped the bomb. 

"So, can we please move on and get the surveillance videos?" Qiao Qing asked coldly.

Chen Lan, "Instantly!"

Before she could leave, a voice stopped her, "Wait a minute."

Yi Shiqiong pursed her lips and dry smiled, "It's honestly not a big deal. After all, it's a big restaurant and there's no guarantee that every employee is clean. I won't pursue this any further."

Her voice made Tian Zhen look at her weirdly, "Senior Yi?"

All the customers were now also confused. They were angry on her behalf just now, yet now, she was saying it wasn't a big deal? The people started to whisper.

Qiao Qing snickered, "You won't pursue this anymore? You think Jing Li Xuan is worried about your pursuit?"

She eyed Chen Lan, "Get the videos!"

"Yes!" Chen Lan didn't hesitate as she left.