Modern Version Lotus

Many people stared at Yi Shiqiong with ridicule. 

The truth hasn't been exposed but everyone had already guessed that she was the one behind all of this. 

Just then, someone shouted, "Look! That woman went to the kitchen!"

Yi Shiqiong's face turned white and her entire body started to shake. 

She remembered all her past humiliations like it was yesterday. What happened now made her feel deoxygenated. 

Everyone's eyes were on the TV. They watched as the chef plated the food and shouted for runners to deliver the dish. It was then that Yi Shiqiong snuck into the kitchen. 

When the chef turned his back to the food, she shoved something black into the dish.

Though the image wasn't too clear, everyone knew what it was. 

By now, the entire restaurant was silent. 

There was nothing but disdain in the way they stared at Yi Shiqiong. 

"She directed and acted in her own scene. She sure treated us like clowns!"