To Visit the Love Rival

The moment Qi Feng got out of the car, he ran to Qiao Qing, "Ms. Qiao, please come visit our Sect Leader! He's dying!"

Qiao Qing frowned, "Dying from what?"

Qi Feng, "You'll know when you see him! He's been heavily drinking this past while. A few days ago, he got gastrorrhagia and was sent to the hospital."

"Yesterday, he heard you went to find Di Rong, so he pulled out his IV tubes and dashed out. I hit him unconscious so he couldn't leave. When he woke up and found out you were fine, he started to drink again. Nobody can stop him! The doctor said if he drinks anymore, he will die!"

Qiao Qing pursed her lips and said to Luo Chen, "Tell Han Zhi to drive you back."

She then got into her car.

On the way to the Jing Sect, Qi Feng continued to tell Qiao Qing about Feng Heng. 

Qiao Qing debated and ended up texting Jun Yexuan.

"Feng Heng is hurt. I'm visiting him."

One sentence that was clean and honest.