Good Brothers go Through Thick and Thin Together

They originally thought their big brother would make up some other story. Unexpectedly, Qi Yusen was only silent for a while before he picked up Qiao Qing and made her sit on his lap.

"My all so capable little princess, if they try to break my legs, you would protect me, right?"

Qiao Qing, "..."

The Qi family, "..."

Mu Jinghang's lips twitched and he mumbled to Jun Yexuan, "Brother Qi sure is fearless."

Jun Yexuan's celestial-looking eyes squinted into a line. 

What a bastard of a brother-in-law! Who holds onto their sister like that?! This was nonsense!

Qi Shengkuan stared at Qi Yusen's nonchalant behavior and soon turned furious.

"So you know your legs are going to be broken soon! Fifth grandson, go get the whip I had when I was younger!"

Qi Chengyu froze then said, "Grandpa, we are at Qi Yusen's house, not our house."