Is Our Sister… Drunk?

"Sister, eat this."

"Qingqing, this is nutritious. Eat it. Look at how skinny you are."

"Sister, this is delicious!"


Qiao Qing saw food pile up in front of her despite her lack of movement. She once again fell silent. 

After a moment, she looked over to Ning Ye, who waited by the table, "Do you have any alcohol?"

Ning Ye froze, "Alcohol? I have some."

He then said to the maid, "Why aren't you getting drinks for the miss?"

Qi Yusen and Qi Yeli exchanged glances and their hearts swelled up.

Qi Chengyu, who stood closest to Qiao Qing, was curious, "Qingqing likes to drink?"

The other Qi family also stared at her in confusion.

Qiao Qing forced herself to nod. 

Who knew at that moment, He Wanqing decided to chime in, "Baby, why did you get into drinking? At home, you never drank."

Qiao Qing, "..."