If You Call Me by the Name ‘Fifth Brother’, I’ll Give You even My Life

Ding Hui, "..."

The Qi family, "..."

Qi Chumian rolled his eyes completely, "I was born with these natural lashes. Why would our sister like your fake ones?! Give me back my sister!"

"No, I refuse!" Qi Chengyu hugged Qiao Qing's soft body and he loved her so much he refused to let go. 

Qi Chumian said, "You were hugging that adopted woman just now. Aren't you scared of dirtying our sister?"

Qi Chengyu heard this and instantly took off his suit jacket. Then, he wrapped his legs around Qingqing tightly - terrified someone would steal her away. 

Then, he threw the suit jacket he took off right into Ding Hui's face, "Throw that into the trash for me."

Ding Hui, "..."

The Qi family, "..."

Qiao Qing blinked her watery and large eyes a few times. Then, she grabbed onto the red string that was around Qi Chengyu's neck. She pulled at it and a jade pendant revealed itself, "What is this?"