He knew his Third Brother’s Journey would be Difficult. But He didn’t know it would be this Difficult

Ding Hui, ".... Yes."

To hide this cute granddaughter from him for half a year! How detestable!

Today, he will teach those four bastards a lesson! He could not let this go!

When Qiao Qing realized what was happening, she became flustered. She turned her head and grabbed onto Qi Shengkuan's shirt, "Grandpa!"

"Yes!" Qi Shengkuan's face changed faster than a book page that was flipped over. Towards Qiao Qing, he was once again the kind and gentle grandpa, "What does my granddaughter need?"

Qiao Qing's tone sounded like she was engaging in a peaceful negotiation, "Can you not hit my four brothers?"

Qi Yusen and the other three felt their hearts warm up.

The reason why Qiao Qing needed a drink was to help them.

But now that she was actually helping them, they couldn't help but feel the warmth wash over them.