You don't Recognize Me?

"No wonder Qingqing is so capable. I've known him since I was a child. Our uncle is a world-renowned genius."

Qiao Qing's lips quivered slightly like a young girl happy to hear her father being praised. 

When Jun Yexuan and Qi Yusen caught Qiao Qing's reaction, they felt sour. 

Both of them turned to look at the man that laid in bed and felt threatened. 

They both knew that even though Qiao Qing had been accepted into the Qi family, the most important men in her life were themselves. 

However, once the man in the bed wakes up, that won't be the case anymore. 

Despite so, the two of them still hoped the surgery would turn out to be a success. After all, nothing was more important than Qiao Qing's wishes. 

After they ate, they waited in the room.

Different from the men, Qiao Qing was clouded with worry. 

At around 7:34 pm, the patient in bed suddenly moved his finger.