Brother, do a DNA test!

Nobody knew why Qiao Qing would ask for such an unnecessary object, but they didn't ask.

Before long, Lang Yin came with a mirror.

Qiao Qing handed the mirror to the man in bed, "Take a look at yourself. Are you yourself?"

The man named Xiao Lianyu was extremely confused.

As he took over the mirror and said, "If I'm not myself then…"

He stopped. When he saw his own reflection, shock reached his eyes. 

"How's this possible?" He touched his own face in disbelief, "This isn't me!"

Everyone exchanged glances in horror.

Mu Jinghang said in bewilderment, "Their souls transferred? Memories transferred?"

Qi Yuyang rolled his eyes, "You watch too much anime."

Mu Jinghang didn't back down, "What do you mean by that! Before, Fu Xiuyu had a chip implanted in his brain to wipe out his memory."

Just then, they suddenly heard Jun Yexuan shout, "Qingqing!"

"What's wrong with Qingqing?!"

"What's wrong with my sister?!"