Then let’s Ride the Same Horse. I’ll Take Care of You

"The thing is, she didn't even take the time to prepare before every hit! How's she so fast! Even continuous like that, she was able to get in 10 balls? OMG!"

"Master Feng is amazing! If she doesn't know how to play golf, then what would that make us? Swinging around a stick for fun?!" Meng Xizhou said while he looked directly at Mo Huan. 

The other men also meaningfully stared at Mo Huan. Even though Gong Yi was there, they couldn't help but detest her. 

She had just shouted and bragged and accused Qiao Qing that she did not know how to play golf. Now, Qiao Qing had proven herself easily. What a slap in the face for Mo Huan.

Gong Yi merely calmly stared at Qiao Qing, who was now resting on the grass. Heat rose in his eyes. 

Mo Huan listened to the men's praises and felt jealous. 

Under everyone's unpleasant gazes, she felt her cheeks turn hot.