No Way She Actually wants to Ride the Guy?

When the employees came back with the horses beside them, everyone froze. 

"Isn't that… Gale?" Lin Miao pointed at the horse furthest away from them and managed to spit out. 

Qiao Qing looked over and saw that Lin Miao pointed at a sturdy horse that was completely black. It had a dense mane and its size was a size larger than the other horses. 

This horse did not have a friendly face. Its ping-pong-sized eyes reeked with impatience and frustration.

Lin Miao wasn't the only one surprised. Meng Xizhou said, "Why did you ask for Gale?"

"The other horses are the ones we usually ride. Is that one… for Ms. Qiao?"

"No way! That horse is wild and impossible to tame! Even brother Gong failed to tame it. Plus, that horse has kicked a person before! Why would anyone ask a girl to ride him?! What's the intention here?!"

Gong Yi snapped at Mo Huan, "What is this?!"

The other men also looked over at her in disappointment.