You know Better than Me What I Want

It coughed a few times, drank some water, then turned to stare at Qiao Qing accusingly.

"Ack ack ack!"

What kind of weird@ss name is that?

"Ack ack ack!"

What kind of straight forward simple-minded woman are you?

"Ack ack ack!"

I'm a male!

"Ack ack ack!"

You don't like me! You named me so randomly!

Shen Ruoyi asked, dumbfounded, "What is it trying to express?"

Gong Yi smiled and looked at Qiao Qing, "Even that little guy isn't happy with the name you chose."

Qiao Qing took a look at the fox, "It's been decided."

The little fox, "…"

"Ack ack ack!"

I'm not okay with this!

Qiao Qing drank some water, "If you are not okay with it, then don't be with me."

The little fox cried two streams of tears.

Mu Jinghang chuckled, "This is the first time I've seen a fox cry because it hated its name. Qingqing, you're being too cruel!"

Qiao Qing ignored him and went back to eating.