Maybe I can Place First, Who Knows?

Gong Yi then pinched at his own chin, "If you achieve all those, then I'll send orders to find your father. How about that?"

Jun Yexuan's eyes turned cold, "You intentionally don't want to help Qingqing! Qingqing isn't a trained perfumer, how is she going to come up with a new fragrance for you?!"

Gong Yi shrugged, "That's your problem. You said you'd help me so I told you what I needed help with."

"If she doesn't know how then you can hire another perfumer. All that matters to me is that you defeat the Xu family."

Gong Yi then yawned, "I'm going to take a break. You guys can discuss and decide if you want to take this on. Let me know tomorrow."

"If you accomplish this, I will keep my promise and send my men around the country. If you don't want to do this, then you can leave on your own terms. I'm not going to ask you to stay."

Gong Yi then left