You don't have the Capability to

The fox nodded, exactly!

What an easily jealous bastard!

Jun Yexuan's eyes narrowed, "If I ever catch you sneak into her room again, I will eat fox meat!"

The fox, "…"

It turned its furry face towards Qiao Qing and pointed at the man with its tiny paw. It tattle tailed, "Ack, ack, ack!"

That guy's trying to scare me!

Qiao Qing said, "He isn't making an empty threat."

The fox, "…"

"How miraculous!" Mu Jinghang excitedly said, "This little guy's far more playful than the tiger Qingqing!"

Qingqing, "…"

Just then, Qi Yusen left his room as well. When he saw Qiao Qing's speechless face, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ah, nothing." Jun Yexuan glared at Mu Jinghang and hugged Qiao Qing, "Let's get downstairs."

Inside the living room.

While he stared at the group, he smiled and asked, "What about it? Did you decide to take on the mission or no?"