You’re good now

He stared at the coolly composed Qiao Qing and breathed out in pain, "Your heart is made out of scorpion poison. After I see the doctor about my broken hand, I will help you with the perfume set up."

Qiao Qing heard this and then grabbed onto Gong Yi's wrist. With a "crack", she twisted his hand back to how it was, "You're good now. Take me to the perfume room."

Gong Yi, who'd been harmed for the second time, "…."

After another loud howl, Gong Yi now sweated profusely. He then pressed the "down" button to take them back to where they were.

When the elevator stopped, Gong Yi had recollected himself and no longer looked as rough as before.

He got out of the elevator and no longer dared to joke with Qiao Qing. Instead, he went straight towards the Perfume Product Manager's office and knocked.

Xu Lu, who wore a professional pantsuit set, froze when she saw Gong Yi, "CEO? Why are you here?"