Update 34

Before the MC decided on who to give it to, Mo Huan stood up, "As the saying goes, 'ladies first'. Since sister Pingting is the only woman out of the contestants who scored perfectly, of course, the bead should be hers!"

The MC looked over to Jun Yexuan and the others. 

That was a bit of stretch, but it was sensible to award it to the only girl in this situation. 

Plus, everyone here knew that Jun Yexuan and the other young masters only went up there to back up Qiao Qing. They probably didn't actually want the bead that the sponsor didn't even know the materials of. They could easily get more expensive things.

Who knew that before the MC could speak, Mu Jinghang shouted, "You never wrote it in the rules that the award would go to the girl if there's a tie! Then I can also say, 'majority rules'. We have three people from our side who scored perfectly!"

The MC froze.

The fox turned to Mu Jinghang and stuck up a toe.