Update 35

The MC blankly nodded, "So?"

"So we'll compete purely based on skill. Everyone here can be the judge. Whoever is a better shooter wins."

Mo Huan once again snickered at the idea, "How many tricks do you have up your sleeves? I sure want to see how you can do better than someone who scored a perfect score!"

Qiao Qing nodded, "Do you have a black handkerchief?"

MC once again was confused, "Why do you need that?"

Qiao Qing didn't explain and asked again, "Do you have one?"

The MC was taken aback by her demeanor and nodded, "That's easy to find."

The MC then asked an employee to go find one.

Everyone at the scene exchanged glances and murmured over what Qiao Qing planned to do.

Mu Jinghang said to Jun Yexuan, "Is my sis-in-law planning on shooting while blinded? Isn't that a joke? How can you see if your eyes are covered?"