Chapter 677

Xu Lu chuckled, "I see who you really are. I find this funny. I must be crazy for wasting my time talking to you."

She then turned around.

Someone behind her laughed, "A b!tch traitor trying to look like a good guy!"



Qiao Qing had no idea what others had said about her.

After lunch, she returned to the main hall with Jun Yexuan, Qi Yusen, and the others.

Maybe she was delusional, but she felt like everyone looked at her differently. Yet none of them said anything.

Jun Yexuan and Qi Yusen narrowed their eyes as coldness emitted off their bodies.

Qiao Qing didn't think much of it and calmly walked to the resting area.

Though the first round eliminated the majority of the people, most people chose to stay behind to watch the second round.

It was obvious they were all there to see how Qiao Qing was going to embarrass herself.

At 1:30 pm, the MC and the judges walked up on stage.