Chapter 678

Xu Pingting had no idea what Zhang Heng thought. After she placed the perfume in front of him, she waited for his judgment.

Zhang Heng didn't even open the bottle. Instead, he straight up asked her, "We all smelled your perfume this morning. Why don't you tell us its name and what it defines."

Xu Pingting was a little taken aback, but she quickly smiled, "The name of this perfume is 'Eternity'. As we are all aware, there are many tragedies in life. It's hard to keep our youth, hard to maintain our appearance, and hard to upkeep our temperament. Marriages get rough seven years in, and all relationships lose freshness. Other than time, not many things are eternal."

"With those emotions in mind, I created this product. I'm hoping the wonderful name of this perfume can prolong all that you desire."

Her words generated a wave of enthusiasm.

"Wow! How meaningful! This moves my heart!"