More like She Saved Your Entire Team!

The perfumers from the Gong Corporation all lowered their heads.

Guo Qingfen just did not like Qiao Qing and did not regret anything she said before.

"The judge reacted weirdly this morning and he intentionally led us to believe that Qiao Qing was not good. Plus, even if she is Queen and her perfume is good, you cannot prove that she carried us! We are very capable perfumers ourselves!"

Her words made the judges chuckle, "Capable? You sure are confident. Based on what you submitted for your individual perfumes, other than Queen and Ms. Xu Lu, none of you were good enough to pass."

"Before we smelled Queen's perfume, we were going to eliminate you all! Because of Queen, we decided to advance you. Her dragging you down? More like she saved your entire team!"

His words made Guo Qingfen widen her eyes and her face ached as if she'd been slapped.

The other perfumers from the team also looked ashamed.