The Face Slap Came Quick

His words made Xu Pingting's pupils constrict. The truth really was unbelievable!

Qiao Qing really was Queen?!

Xu Lu laughed, "Oh my god, the slap in the face came too quickly. I didn't even get to react in time ahahaha…"

Others also began to laugh.

"Look at how green Xu Pingting's face is. She must be disappointed."

"She's supposed to be an educated and graceful daughter of a wealthy family. However, why did she look like a thirsty dog when she was accusing others of plagiarism?"

"Because her number one spot was taken away! That girl really is Queen and now it's been proven. That slap in the face sure was refreshing!"

"Sigh, honestly, not getting number one is not a big deal. After all, losing to Queen is not at all embarrassing. However, the way she reacted truly was shameful!"


Xu Pingting listened as everyone taunted her. She felt her face swell up and she wanted to slip into a hole in the ground.