How come I’ve Never Heard you Design anything Notable?!

Yu Mo had gulped several times by now and his eyes had widened to be as large as giant bells. 

Qi Yusen and Jun Yexuan questioned their identity.

"Who am I? Is Qingqing my sister?" 

"Who am I? Is Qingqing my girlfriend?

As stunned as they were, they started to sweat as well. 

Qi Yusen glanced at Jun Yexuan and the message he sent through his gaze was clear.

Jun Yexuan rubbed his nose and sent a message back.

"Brother, stop hinting. I know I'm not good enough for Qingqing."

Qi Yusen replied with a glare, "As long as you know."

Jun Yexuan, "..."

The little fox didn't understand all this but it knew that its master had shown off again.

Happily, it chased after Qiao Qing. Then it hopped and grabbed onto her clothes. In three more hops, it landed on top of her shoulder. 

Qiao Qing didn't acknowledge this. When she was near the stairs, she placed her hand on the railing and got ready to go up.