I've only Designed the Deep Sea Honeycomb International Embassy

The live stream chat room also fell silent for a few seconds. Moments later, a flood of comments rushed in. 

"****! That embassy was designed by Qiao Qing!!!!"

"She said 'only'. ONLY?! Why do I want to hit her when she makes her accomplishment seem like nothing?!"

"People like her are fatal! She only has one project but that one thing is unsurpassable in the architectural industry!"

"That made me remember something. Before she said with perfume, she's only ever made one product. And that product turned out to be 'Wild Green'!! Qiao Qing is insane! I don't even want to explain!"

"I once again feel like I exist simply to add one to the population count."

Lu Zhixun's fans have been silent for a while and finally, someone questioned this.