It's my Father, Qiao Zibo

"I didn't know my father did architectural designs. But before, everything he drew, he would leave that seal as his special signature."

"It looks just like a block on the print. For those who haven't seen it before, it would be hard for them to tell it's actually someone's name! You simply traced it and made it look thicker so it looks more like it is a part of the blueprint! If you still can't see it, then please hire a professional!"

Lu Zhixun's face turned white instantly. 

When she got her hands on that design, she really didn't know what that little block was for. But since the rest of the blueprint was so perfect, she thought that there would be no way there would be an area that had no meaning.

Since it was drawn, it must have been intentional.

That part was also drawn using the same pencil as the rest of the print, so it was only natural for her to think it was a part of the whole blueprint.