Mr. Fang, she’s recording!

"I already told you, I designed this myself! I don't know what you're talking about!"

Lu Zhixun totally lost it. But her lips were sealed and she refused to admit it.

She was about to leave when Qiao Qing grabbed onto her wrist.

"You think you can just leave?! Where did you get the blueprint?! Talk!"

Lu Zhixun was unable to struggle her way out of Qiao Qing's grasp. She screamed, "I said, the blueprint is mine! You want to detain me without my will?! That is illegal! I can sue you!"

Fang Chengshi walked up then and looked over to Lu Zhixun with a serious expression, "All the facts are here yet you still deny? You think all of us here are blind?"

"It's also illegal to take others' work as your own. You can sue her but it may bring you more trouble down the line."

"If you still deny, we can get a professional here to check it out and get to the bottom of this. You may need to serve time for this."