I was Sad and Needed Alcohol to Feel Better

"Brother, why did you come knocking so early? You're waking up those who are sound asleep."

Qi Yusen ignored him and scanned around the room, "I went to Qingqing's room just now. I knocked but nobody answered."

Jun Yexuan was a world-class actor after all. His face tensed up instantly, "She's not in her room?! Then where did she go?!"

He was about to dash out of his room when Qi Yusen continued, "I think she'd be back by now."

Jun Yexuan, "…"

Couldn't he just say what he thought?

Qi Yusen marched into his room and circled around the bed. His gaze rested on the bowl of soup, "What is that?"

Jun Yexuan silently cursed before he walked over and responded in a serious tone, "Brother, I drank that."

Qi Yusen glared at him, "You drank last night?"

Jun Yexuan continued to respect his role, "You stopped me from the possibility of eating meat. I was sad and needed alcohol to feel better. Is that not allowed?"