Luo Chen is Here

The firefox's eyes brightened and immediately hopped off the windowpane. It caught up to Qiao Qing while it wagged its tail.

By the time the duo arrived at the dining room, the men were already waiting. 

Mu Jinghang glanced at the fox and shook his head, "Look at that lump of fat! Your belly is touching the ground. If you eat anymore, you won't be able to walk."

The fox, "..."

It wanted to kill that son of b!tch!

"Ack, ack, ack!"

Master, he's mocking me!

The firefox tugged on Qiao Qing's pants and cried.

Qiao Qing narrowed her eyes and glared at Mu Jinghang, who rubbed his nose in shame.

Ever since this fox helped cure Leng Yan, its status in Qingqing's heart moved straight up. 

The firefox tried to climb back upstairs but Qiao Qing grabbed it by its tail, "I told you I'll help you portion control. Come and eat."

The fox finally gave up its pride and followed.