I’m starting to think that you’re in love with me

Strangely, Jun Yexuan wasn't waiting for her in the room. There was the sound of water running in the attached washroom.

Qiao Qing's brows jolted up and down as she clenched onto her cellphone harder.

After she waited for a while, she turned to leave. However, the bathroom door flew open. 

Qiao Qing turned to look and the image before her almost made her drop and smash her cellphone. 

Jun Yexuan was half-naked. His wet hair still dripped water and the drops rolled down his chiseled face and chin. 

The waterdrops continued to roll down, first over his sexy Adam's apple, then over his smooth and lean abs, then finally, they sank into the cotton towel that was wrapped around his waist. 

As she was too stunned to speak, Jun Yexuan marched towards her. 

Qiao Qing's expression got tense and she retreated without even noticing.