Running Away After Picking Up

Qi Yusen's lips stretched a little and he tried to walk in.

Jun Yexuan stopped him with his own foot, "Brother, it's past 10 pm. Why would you want to be in a room alone with your brother-in-law? That would get bad press if publicized."

The straight man Qi Yusen frowned deeply, "Don't talk to me like that!"

He then pushed Jun Yexuan away and walked inside. 

He scanned around the room before he headed straight to the washroom. He acted like he was the husband trying to catch his wife cheating.

Jun Yexuan's heart tightened as he went up to stop him.

But Qi Yusen had opened the door by then.

Jun Yexuan closed his eyes and thought this was the end. 

Who would've known that when the bathroom door was opened, it would be completely empty inside? There was no sign of Qiao Qing. 

At once, Jun Yexuan wasn't sure if he should sigh in relief or feel disappointed.