Ling Xi

Leng Qingshan simply said, "That's because I never told you! I was scared you'd be worried!"

Leng Yan responded, "It's fortunate that Qingqing is studying medical science. She's able to cure all sorts of diseases. Allow her to check you out."

Qing Qingshan was instantly dumbfounded, "W… What?"

Leng Yan now looked over to Qiao Qing, "Qingqing, can you see how my grandpa's health is?"

Qiao Qing nodded and headed towards Leng Qingshan.

At once, Leng Qingshan pulled his sleeves down, "C… Check out what? I hate doctors! Every time get a check-up, they make me buy meds and stab me with needles. I don't want a check-up!"

Qiao Qing stopped walking then.

"You're going off-topic!" Leng Qingshan said to Leng Yan, "I have made up my mind. I am going to set you up with people and do a blind dating event. If you don't show up, I will order people to drag you there!"

Leng Yan, "..."