Can't you carry me?

He asked Ling Xi, "Young man, is this yours?"

Ling Xi nodded.

"Let me grab that for you." Zhou Xin tried to pick up the backpack. 

However, when he applied strength, he shrieked, "What's in this? It's so heavy?"

Ling Xi said, "I have bottles of drinks in there."

Zhou Xin understood and didn't think too much. He lifted it and carried it to the car. 

If he knew what was inside, he would be speechless from fear. 

The group returned to the car and headed to the hospital.

Jun Yexuan asked Qiao Qing, "You know that guy?"

Qiao Qing froze, "Why do you ask that?"

Jun Yexuan tapped on his chin, "Instinct."

Mu Jinghang turned his head, "No way. Women have a sixth sense - what sense do you have? If Qingqing knows that guy, why didn't she say hi?"

Jun Yexuan narrowed his eyes, "I have another instinctive thought."

Mu Jinghang, "What?"

Jun Yexuan, "You won't find your wife and kid in the next five years."