Why would you come when you know I don’t Welcome you?

Qiao Qing paused, "Then, what about just now?"

Jun Yexuan said matter-of-factly, "Who asked her to touch you?!"

Qiao Qing frowned. After checking and making sure nobody was around, she whispered, "She's a girl."

"So what!" Jun Yexuan said, "You think you haven't attracted enough girls?!"

Qiao Qing, "..."

"If you want to touch someone, touch me," Jun Yexuan said again.

Qiao Qing elbowed him and went to her room.

Jun Yexuan covered his chest area where she hit him and grinned at her silhouette. 

The anger he felt from witnessing Qiao Qing touching someone's chest disappeared. 

The next day, several people went to the Leng family home to report to them. 

There were Leng Yan's people, and also Jun Yexuan and Qi Yusen's people.