As for Jun Yexuan...

Qiao Qing's heart dropped.

Mu Jinghang looked over to Gong Yi, "What about my wife?"

Gong Yi rolled his eyes first and said casually, "Didn't find them."

Mu Jinghang, "..."

Jun Yexuan grabbed onto Qiao Qing's hand and comforted her. 

He then looked over to his subordinates who had yet to speak, "Continue."

The rest of his people reported their findings.

As more and more people stated their lack of finding, Qiao Qing's heart dropped more and more. 

When the last person stepped forward, everyone's gaze was on her. 

This person didn't just bow towards them, he straight up knelt down, "Young master, we looked everywhere outside the Emperor's Country of Summer. But we didn't find anyone."

"The Country of Summer itself… was sealed down by Emperor Yin. Emperor Yin asked you to return home. Or else you are banned from searching within the country."

His words caused Jun Yexuan's face to darken.