How can I Control my Heart?

In the Capital Country.

Luo Xinghang was in his morning meeting. After picking up the phone and hearing what the other person had to say, he shot out of his seat.

Without another word, he rushed home. 

On his way home, he called Luo Chen numerous times but nobody picked up.

His heart sank and the light in his eyes darkened. 

At home, Luo Xinghang found Luo Huaian on the couch with a solemn face. It was obvious that he had been informed. 

"Father." Luo Xinghang's tone was hasty but still respectful, "You should know what the Country of Summer means to Luo Chen. He's going to find Emperor Yin now. Are you still not going to let me bring him back?"

Luo Huaian frowned and waved his hand, "You can go."

Luo Xinghang was ecstatic. He turned to leave but Luo Huaian warned him, "But, you must remember that he is the master and you are the servant. Don't try something funny!"