The Noble Sir, Rediscovered his Love for Ms. Qiao?

Luo Chen was confused as ever, "Why?"

Luo Xinghang was silent for a while, "You will find out in the future."

Luo Chen felt like he was making things up and was annoyed.

"Brother, I don't want to go back."

Luo Xinghang narrowed his eyes, "Do you want me to forcefully stop your helicopter?"

"Brother, how can you act like this?!" Luo Chen was angry now.

"Luo Chen, some things shouldn't be talked about like this. You can choose to believe me or not - but I for sure will not cross the line again. It's also true that you will be in danger if you go to the Country of Summer."

"You can curse at me or even hate me. But no matter what, I will not let you go to the Country of Summer."

"If you don't want Ms. Qiao to get in trouble, you should listen to me and come home with me."

The last part seemed to have worked. Luo Chen hesitated for a while and nodded.