Feng Heng, we are still Friends

Qiao Qing stopped and turned her head, "Hmm?"

Jun Yexuan also turned to look at Feng Heng. The look in his eyes was not kind. 

Feng Heng extended an arm and opened up his hand. Inside his hand lied a fishbone pendant necklace, "I'm giving this back to you."

Qiao Qing's expression fluttered a little. After she took over the necklace, she said, "Feng Heng, we are still friends."

The corner of Feng Heng's lips curled up and he watched as everyone left. 

After the group exited the home, Mu Jinghang raised his chin up high while shaking his head, "I cannot believe that such a determined man actually gave up."

Jun Yexuan said, "Perhaps he's finally learned the difference between him and I. He also finally learned that Qingqing's love towards me is unshakable. Now that he's learned the truth that he's got no chance, he won't be wasting his time anymore."

Mu Jinghang, "..."

Qiao Qing, "..."

Qi Yusen, "..."