Don't Look Down on People

"Can't you see that the patients are not happy with you? Go away! Don't waste my time!"

Right after she finished, Jun Yexuan said, "Shut up! I want her to do my blood test! You're the one who needs to leave so you don't get in her way!"

The smile froze on the doctor's face. Disbelief flooded her eyes. 

Mu Jinghang shook his head. He wondered what use were that woman's eyes were. 

Couldn't she tell that they all came together? They really thought his third brother and Qi Yusen were mad at Qingqing?

The doctor was now furious due to Jun Yexuan's attitude and all the good vibes she felt towards him due to his attractiveness disappeared. 

Humiliated and angry, she shouted, "Great! So you don't care about your health! You want a girl who hasn't even matured to draw your blood?! When something bad happens, you better not blame me!"