This is Insane?!

The word "mom" made Du Xiuyun cry out of joy.

She grabbed Xiaozhi's hand and pressed it against her cheek, "Xiazhi, you're well now. Wuuu… you scared me to death!"

Next to her, Zhi Xinai collapsed onto the ground. She couldn't even find the energy to cry right now.

The doctors watched all this with widened eyes. The shock they felt was hard to express.

Someone's mouth was wide open as she said, "She really saved the patient?"

"She did it so quickly too. Oh my god… it didn't take long for her to detox the patient."

"What kind of skills does she have? That is insane!"

Xia Houshang didn't feel good about any of this. Ever since she found out Qiao Qing had stolen Jun Yexuan away, she'd been jealous. Today, she felt that emotion more than ever.

She was that knowledgeable about medicine?

Wang Lixia, who'd been the loudest today, was dumbfounded.